The forensic service provides you with the option of performing an in-depth study of any incident in connection with computer media, fraudulent use of equipment, hackers, losses caused by inconsiderate employees, fortuitous damage, hidden documents, etc.
The aim of the assessment service is to certify the presence or absence of data on a hard disk, specifying the nature and reason for the data loss.
Once we have determined the needs of the customer and recovered the data, Recovery Labs will reconstruct the history of the damaged magnetic storage device, and determine whether the loss was deliberate or fortuitous. We will also register any alterations that have been caused to the information contained on the hard disk and any data movements prior to the system failure. Recovery Labs will issue a certificate to any person or persons that this may concern.
If requested by the customer, Recovery Labs may appear in court to present its findings in an assessment capacity and provide a video recording of the whole data recovery procedure.